We want to get something done.
– Write that article.
– Paint that painting.
– Build that extension.
– Create that online business.
– Launch that charity.
Sometimes the hardest part is simply getting started.
A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. — Lao Tzu.
Scaffolding is used in construction, not to support the building, but to support the workers who are constructing, maintaining or repairing it. It is only a temporary structure. Once the building is complete, the scaffolding is taken away.
Scaffolding is used in language teaching to support the learning process. Once the student can produce the target language, the scaffolding is removed.
In the same way, scaffolding systems support us as we build habits and construct projects. They can support us when we want to take that very first step.
Here are 5 ways to scaffold your first step:
We need clear motivation before we start. If our ‘why’ isn’t big enough, it doesn’t matter ‘what’ we are trying to achieve. Our actions must be consistent with our values which means we need to be clear exactly what our values are. Without sufficient value driven motivation, we will find fear, excuses and alternatives to taking action.
Dig deep to find your why. When you have it, keep it close to you and never lose sight of it.
We need to be clear on what we need to do. Each specific action needs to be defined with razor-like precision.
Break down larger projects into specific actions. Write down the ones you are going to tackle. Look at the first one and identify the ‘first step’. Once you have your first step you are ready to focus.
We need to focus — on one thing at a time. To do this we must have:
- only one thing in front of us (clear everything off the table)
- silence or our white noise of choice (I use Noisli. A mixture of rain and train keeps me zoned in)
- no internet access (or Internet blocker such as Stayfocusd (free for Chrome) or Freedom (small charge)
We need to be awake and alert and have enough energy to get going and keep going.
- Get enough sleep and take care of diet and exercise.
- Plan in some form of breaks according to your focus levels. I prefer less programmed breaks as they can turn into ‘procrastination opportunities’ but take some breaks because concentration will drop over time.
We need to strengthen our minds and develop the mental discipline to keep on track when physical systems are not available.
- Use Brian Tracy’s mantra “Back to work!” or “Gotta get back to work!” when you are aware that you are not working.
- Meditate in the morning. As you learn how to notice when your mind is distracted and return to your breath/mantra, so you will be more aware when you are not working and be able to get ‘back to work’.
- Go back to step 1 and look at your WHY.
Thanks for reading! Now get ‘back to work’ 🙂
This article first appeared on Medium here
What helps you get started?
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